This book has been needed--and anxiously awaited--for decades; it fills a serious gap in fly-fishing literature, with its focus on fly fishing for striped bass, bluefish, weakfish, and other cold-water marine species. Tabory clearly instructs on how to "read" rips, bars, beaches, flats, jetties, reefs, tidal estuaries, and all other important fishing areas. He outlines what tackle-fly fishermen will need, which flies are most effective (and when and how), and how to hook and play these great northern gamefish. There are also special sections on tides, night fishing, the use of a stripping basket, drags and drag systems--all that a beginning or expert marine fly fisherman will need for this new and exciting kind of fishing. "No one I know," says Lefty Kreh in his foreword to this pathbreaking book, "understands the intricacies of successful fly fishing along the northern Atlantic coast better than Lou Tabory."