The same slicing, fluttering action and loud rattles of the famous Rattlin’ Blade Spoon but taken to the next level! The Rattlin’ PT Spoon has two stainless steel bearings that click and clack inside their pyrex-glass housing. Lifelike features and a vibrant, strong, painted treble hook lures fish in and entices them to be your next catch! Don’t just hope a fish notices your presentation; make the fish notice it with the loudest lure you can drop through a hole.
- Made of Zinc Alloy (Environmentally friendly!)
- Pyrex glass rattle chamber provides noise & movement
- Loud stainless steel BB’s
- Painted vinyl treble hook attracts fish
- Lifelike baitfish 3D eyeball, red gill flash & scale pattern
- Perfect for Perch, Crappie, Walleye & Pike
- Made for Hunting Fish with Forward Facing Sonar (FFS)
- Strong Gaff Hooks
- Available in 6 Natural Koi Fish Color Patterns
- Glow-in-the-Dark Koi Fish Bodies